Feel Free To Visit My U.S. Citizenship
Documents / Verification Page ...

  (Version: 08/29/03) Entry to view, print and / or download
these document replications is easy ...
Orange Bullet Please complete the form below. The only mandatory fields are (1) your chosen UserName and Password, plus your (2) organization name, (3) your name (last name, first name) and (4) email address. The other fields are for my records, in case I need to contact you and / or forward more information. Also, the email address must be correct and in the proper format for the form process to work properly.
Orange Bullet The "Process" button will immediately take you to replications of my New York State Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, and Social Security Card. Each button has links where you can download these document replications in Adobe ".pdf" Acrobat format.
Orange Bullet NOTE FOR THE SECURITY CONSCIOUS: The results of this form writes to an email that is sent only to me -- it isn't stored anywhere but my private home computer. I have no purpose for this information other than I know you have revealed yourself as a registered user of this web page. However, the passing of data between your system and mine is unprotected by any high-security encryption system or other privacy process. If you are ultra-sensitive to security, you should go in and go out once, using your chosen site-specific login -- or simply contact me with your concerns at julie.moran@explorewithjulie.com.
Orange Bullet ALSO NOTE: This system does not set a cookie on your system, and you will NOT receive any email notification that your registration is complete -- you will simply be directed to the Citizenship web page. If you feel you will need to return more than once, please consider bookmarking this page. If you fail to properly complete a required field a simple error page will appear -- simply hit the back button on your browser and redo the incomplete / incorrect field.
Orange Bullet Thank You For Your Cooperation!
* = Required Field

*Your Chosen Username:
*Your Chosen Password:
*Organization: Black Spacer*Email Address:
*Last Name: Black Spacer*First Name: Black SpacerMiddle Initial:

Street Address #1:
Street Address #2:

City: Black Spacer State: Black Spacer Zip Code: Black Spacer Zip+4:

Web Site:
If possible, please cut-and-paste a URL here directing me to information about your organization -- thanks.

Any Comments?

Black Spacer


Thank You For Your Interest -- Julie Moran

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